Saturday, September 09, 2006


strange are the things we would do as kids, but never ever think of doing as grown ups.. as i was shopping today i spot a kid.. a big one.. a li'll over 12 i guess.. he was wearing a "superman suit".. i mean com'on... superman!!! in a giant hypermarket!! the funny thing is, he was wearing sandals in his feet.. on top of the socks like part of the suite.. "even as a kid, i don't think i ever did such stupid things".. i think this kid was "over" confidant with himself..

i don't feel like eating at all... not even chocolate.. which mean something seriously is wrong.. me!! not eating chocolate!!..

i had some orange juice in my orange "pooh" cup, which is a li'll strange... i rarely drink juice.. especially in my "kids" "pooh" cup..

i know now how did i lost my way to fantasy land.. how did my imagination shrank.. i think i knew all along i just did not want to admit it.. but somehow now i did..

are you wondering how!! well.. i don't feel like writing this now, besides.. you all now..

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