Saturday, September 23, 2006

that thing..

Sometime ago I wrote that I wanted to write about something for quite some time.. " did that make any sense!!" I needed photo backup for it and now I have that, so there we go.

What is it with guys and car-stickers !! Why some of them like to put all those pictures of "sheikhs" or who ever.. I mean, yeah we do admire a good person and ruler, but do we need to put his face all over the car!!!
Or those who put their favorite football club logos and/or slogans… or silly cartons..
What really is that suppose to mean.. what is the msg it is sending..
Don't get me wrong here, I'm not teasing or trying to make a joke.. I really wanna know and understand!! One might think it’s a childish teenager work, but get shocked when see a middle-aged coming out of such a car..

"note: anyone who dare to refer to may tattooed phone, I'm telling you know.. I do have an excuse .. I'm Psychotic!!"

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