Sunday, June 03, 2007


i don't know what to write.. i opened the blog.. closed it.. opened it again.. closed it.. and now again.. i so much need to write.. i just don't know what.. or where to begin really.. there are lots of things inside that don't know how to come out..
sometimes i really feel like screaming my lungs out.. cuz words are just not enough.. words won't do it..
don't you hate it when you have this feeling, yet you can't do anything about it..
the atmosphere is so overwhelming those days..
summers are so strange.. or should i say my feelings towards summers are very strange..
the longing to be somewhere else.. someone else..
the goodbyes to those who actually manage to do so..
getting stuck at work.. dealing with long.. hot.. dull hours..
melting into your job until you don't know where it ends and "YOU" begins..
and i'm becoming a drama queen now..
so sorry who ever read this
sleepless night are crazy ones


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